Module 5 on Alternative Dispute Resolution and Online Dispute Resolution
Consumer Law Ready is a specialist training programme for SMEs, helping SMEs understand and comply with the latest European and national consumer laws.
The 5th module will introduce you to the world of Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR). Here you will find how to quickly and efficiently resolve disputes with consumers without needing to go to court and even without the need of a lawyer!
What can I expect to learn from this training module?
In every country there are specific ADR entities that can resolve disputes – you will find out:
What they can do
The advantages to use ADR
Where to find ADR entities
How they work
You will find out that the law obliges you to inform consumers about ADR. But don’t get stressed - we give you very clear checklists of what exactly you need to do.
You will find out that the law obliges you to inform consumers about ADR. But don’t get stressed - we give you very clear checklists of what exactly you need to do.
Some finger-food information before you are getting started
1. What is ADR?
Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR), also sometimes called ‘out-ofcourt dispute resolution’ is a procedure for solving disputes between consumers and traders without going to court. It involves the use of an ADR body which is an impartial body that uses dispute resolution techniques including mediation, arbitration or mixed methods. ADR is easy to use, impartial, inexpensive, efficient and has a number of other advantages compared to litigation in courts.
What if you are trading online?
If you are an online trader, you can use the European Online Dispute Resolution platform (ODR). Using the platform is free of charge and enables you to communicate with a foreign consumer in your own language (translation is provided by the platform). There is also a possibility of support throughout the whole process. In this Module we explain what the platform can do for you.
The Module also gives numerous examples of cases and situations that can be solved using ADR or ODR, as well as links to where you can find those bodies and more information.
Don’t wait any longer and have a look at the module to improve your customer service and increase consumer trust in your business! For more material or to register for a training course in your country, visit the website www.consumerlawready.eu