Module 2 on Right of Withdrawal
Consumer Law Ready is a specialist training programme for SMEs, helping them understand and comply with the latest European and national consumer laws.
The 2nd module will introduce you to one of the most important consumer rights: the right of withdrawal. You will learn about what the right of withdrawal entails, under which circumstances consumers can make use of it, and how you should best deal with right of withdrawal situations.
What can I expect to learn from this training module?
The right of withdrawal is anchored in the EU Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights (the "Consumer Rights Directive" - CRD). It applies in all Member States of the European Union. Among other things, you will learn:
What is the right of withdrawal;
About distance selling contracts and so-called off-premises contracts;
When the consumer has a right to use it and when not;
What to do if consumers make use of this right
What to include in a withdrawal form;
This sounds like quite a bit of work, but don’t get stressed - we will provide practical examples to make your life easier.
This sounds like quite a bit of work, but don’t get stressed - we will provide practical examples to make your life easier.
Some finger-food information before you are getting started
What is the right of withdrawal?
The right of withdrawal allows consumers to cancel certain consumer contracts within 14 days after they received the product, or after they concluded the contract for services or digital content.
Why do consumers have such a right?
In the case of distance contracts, the consumer has no possibility to check the product’s features wherefore consumers need an option to test and inspect the product. When it comes to off-premises contracts, for example if the trader sells a product at the doorstep of the consumer, the consumer may find himself in a situation where he/she is more vulnerable to pressure. Hence, the consumer is given some time to reflect about the offer.
Can I exclude the right of withdrawal?
No, you cannot. It is a mandatory right and can never be excluded. Quite to the contrary. You must even inform consumers that they have such right and you may face consequences if you don’t.
Don’t wait any longer and have a look at the module to improve your customer service and increase consumer trust in your business! For more material or to register for a training course in your country, visit the website www.consumerlawready.eu