Module 1 on Pre-Contractual Information Requirements
Consumer Law Ready is a specialist training programme for SMEs, helping them understand and comply with the latest European and national consumer laws.
The 1st module will introduce you to the world of transparency. Here you will learn about consumer contracts and about the information traders need to provide to consumers before concluding a contract.
What can I expect to learn from this training module?
In this module, we will focus on the so-called pre-contractual information requirements under the EU Directive 2011/83/EU on consumer rights (the "Consumer Rights Directive"- CRD). Among other things, you will learn:
To which contracts the Directive applies;
How transparency requirements differ depending on whether you sell products in your shop, off-premises , or at a distance;
How to present the information;
What you need to do if you sell cross -border;
About the consequences of not informing consumers .
This sounds like quite a bit of work, but don’t get stressed - we will provide practical examples to make your life easier.
This sounds like quite a bit of work, but don’t get stressed - we will provide practical examples to make your life easier.
Some finger-food information before you are getting started
What means “pre-contractual information requirements”?
“Pre” means “before” and contractual refers to a concluded contract. The idea is that you give certain pieces of information to consumers before you conclude a contract with them. The Consumer Rights Directive has a list of information items considered very important to ensure that the consumer can make an informed choice before concluding a contract.
Do I have different information duties if I sell online or in a shop?
A consumer who enters a shop needs different information than a consumer who shops online. Information online need to include for instance the geographical address, the need of a contact option via email, or the right to return a product ordered at a distance (see more about this in the Consumer Law Ready Module 2).
Don’t wait any longer and have a look at the module to improve your customer service and increase consumer trust in your business! For more material or to register for a training course in your country, visit the website www.consumerlawready.eu